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“My son’s instructor perfectly understands his strengths and weaknesses. Indeed, they work amazingly together: she is helping Markian blend in with the other classmates, build his confidence in expressing his thoughts from a structural standpoint and encouraging him to productively put ideas on paper line after line. Everyone is enjoying this class and the time just flies by… Thank you!”


"The most powerful therapeutic process I know is to contribute to rich story development."

Michael White, Founder of Narrative Therapy

"My son has never liked writing before but after taking Writopia’s private workshops, I find him writing on his own! From poetry to fantasy to non-fiction, he looks forward to every session!"

Megan Hahn, Writopia Parent

Thank you so much for the kind feedback about Jeeya. This was her first experience with debate and she had no clue how an actual debate is conducted until the first debate on electoral college and she definitely has a better understanding of it. This class is the highlight of her week and she has taken immense interest in the actual elections because of the debate Classes. We will definitely be signing up for the winter sessions.

Vidhi B., Parent

The hallmark of a productive debate is not persuasion, but insight. In a good argument, you're as motivated to learn as to convince. You can declare victory when everyone involved has deepened their understanding, broadened their knowledge, or evolved their thinking.

Adam Grant, Author

We can not express enough gratitude for having the opportunity to engage with such a diverse and fun group of debaters across the globe. You gave us a magical night, and our kids now already exhibit a transformational attitude towards debate. We just want to say a big thank you for everything you have done! Many thanks.

Tiffany Lee, Founder of Wit and Wisdom Academy, Taiwan

My daughter worked with Writopia for her Common App essay and it was an absolutely wonderful experience. She benefitted immensely from the individual work with her Writopia instructor who made her feel valued and confident. As a result, my daughter was able to write an essay that clearly communicated who she is both as a student and a person. Our only mistake was not starting to work with Writopia earlier.

Karen - Writopia Parent

The staff from Writopia created a personalized, genuine writing experience for our students. They patiently guided students through the anxieties surrounding college admission essays, validated students' experiences, and motivated them to turn those experiences into eloquent, personal statements. The students walked away feeling confident about the essay writing process, and so did I. I highly recommend their services!

Chano LaBoy - Director, College Bound - Chess in the Schools

Our teen is thoroughly enjoying Writopia, and we are seeing it translate into better work at his school. His teachers are commenting on how good his writing is this year, and he seems to be much more confident in his abilities... so thank you!

Mother of 13-year-old

The best thing about Language Play was watching the kids become active in storytelling, and involved in the creative process. No other comparable program offers practice using language, phonics, and creative language play.

Rebecca R.

“My son’s instructor perfectly understands his strengths and weaknesses. Indeed, they work amazingly together: she is helping Markian blend in with the other classmates, build his confidence in expressing his thoughts from a structural standpoint and encouraging him to productively put ideas on paper line after line. Everyone is enjoying this class and the time just flies by… Thank you!”

“Thank you so very much for this helpful feedback on my daughter and her writing progress. She has really enjoyed her Saturday morning workshops, and we feel the class has been wonderful for her. You have a fantastic organization, and we’re thrilled we found you! My daughter will take this feedback and grow from it.”

Writopia Parent

"I wanted to take the time to express my deepest gratitude for the phenomenal programs that Writopia uses to help shape our children. My gratitude not only comes from the quality of the programming but the absolute clarity that they are lead with the hearts and souls of change makers. As a single mom who is currently unemployed I could never imagine being able to afford to give this gift to my children. The fact that I do not have to worry about my children missing out on this priceless experience because of my inability to pay at this time, leaves me in awe. There are only a finite number of programs, organizations, or experiences on the same tier as Writopia that are completely committed to leveling the playing field. Thank you!"

Sharnickqua Wright, Writopia Parent

Teachers have commented on the quality of my daughter's writing. She's become a better and more confident writer...We are very grateful for how much you engage children in writing and the opportunities you provide...We especially appreciate the feedback from instructors on the writing.


Isa has loved Writopia this year and we are looking forward to signing her up in the Fall! It has helped her expand her social horizons, creatively brainstorm with her peers while developing a writing voice of her own, and just have a ton of fun. Yay Writopia!

Rachel Timmons

My daughter has really enjoyed the Creative Portfolio class and meeting other students who are also interested in writing. The fields trips and chance to go to NYC for a poetry reading were amazing. She feels more confident now and it's great for her to learn from older classmates as well. Léna is an incredible teacher!

Ritika A

My daughter has really enjoyed the Creative Portfolio class and meeting other students who are also interested in writing. The fields trips and chance to go to NYC for a poetry reading were amazing. She feels more confident now and it's great for her to learn from older classmates as well. Léna is an incredible teacher!

Ritika A.

Alexis has loved her time at Writopia over the last few years. She was always excited to see her peers and instructors at the Tenley location. She has gained confidence in her writing and has even submitted a piece for publication recently. Writopia has had a positive impact on her high schoo experience and I am grateful.

Alison C.

My daughter has a speech impediment, and while she didn't notice it much the first few years of school, she really became self conscious about it last year. She's a very bright girl, but she often didn't say much because her stutter made it more difficult. That's where Writopia came in; she was a pretty decent writer before, but Writopia helped her really open up and really use writing as a form of self expression and communication she didn't have verbally. It's also helped with her speech therapy, which, for her, basically encourages taking a moment to map out a sentence mentally before saying it. I believe creative writing classes at Writopia really helped her do this a lot more quickly and efficiently, and she is so much happier for it.


Cameron really loves the program. He is always eager to attend class and consistently reports having a great experience

Jennifer Maanavi

My child has a specific learning challenge (orthographic mapping) where he isn't always connecting the sound of a phoneme to its written form. The resulting spelling mistakes affected his self esteem all around and gave him a lot of fear as a writer. Writopia has helped him understand that his creative ideas are strong and that he can receive help in executing and organizing his thoughts!

A Writopia Parent

Writopia, in all of its many forms (WriCampia, AWS, CP, etc), has helped [my daughter] find her voice, her people, and a sense of belonging like no other organization or community has.


I really appreciate the care your staff has shown for my kid, and the opportunities you've given her to mentor other kids, which is a great confidence builder. She had so much fun working with the younger kids recently at the one-day playwrights' festival. Thank you!

Heather L

“Lev LOVES writopia. He is excited every Monday to go and he comes out happy and excited every time.”

Brian Demby

Chloe had an amazing 5 years at writopia, I recommend it to everyone I know. Great instructors, and a love for writing, poetry and creativity that has her signing her name with "writer" on the bottom and pursuing creative writing in college. The help we got with college essays got her into her dream schools. We are super appreciative of this program!


Every Monday night, Maria comes with a smile and only speaks of the talks that her class and her instructor Amy had. She has built a fantastic community at Writopia Lab and made friends with her classmates and instructor. She has had the chance to submit her writing to multiple places, learning the lesson of what rejection feels like as well as acceptance. She won a Gold and Silver key at the Scholastics Art and Writing Awards, and she thanks Amy because she supported her with the submission process allowing Maria to come out victorious. She was then chosen as a student speaker and wrote and memorized a speech to give at the Gold Key Awards. Amy was a great support throughout her journey, helping Maria with the foundation of her speech and giving her pointers to guide her towards success. Maria was very nervous, but with the congratulations and aid of Amy, she felt encouraged to push through...I thank Amy for her dedication to these teens. She instantly clicked with Maria, and from there, their friendship grew with writing as their shared love. Maria now wishes to minor in poetry in her college career. She, too, was chosen by the creator of Ellipsis to take summer writing classes online to develop her skills. She could not have been more excited. So, thank you all for allowing so many teens to have the chance to create their fondness for writing. Maria would never have known this side of herself without the support of Writopia Lab!

Vilma DeFelice

"Writopia was Abey's first inclusion experience. He was embraced by the community and encouraged to submit his writing for publications and awards. Abey was very happy at Writopia and it gave us the confidence to transition from a private special education school to a NYC public high school. His highest compliment is 'This is just like Writopia.'"

Michelle Noris

"Writopia online has been a miracle during the pandemic. The workshops have always been the bright spot in Hugh's week and even more so during this past year. Thank you for continuing to provide a top notch creative outlet!"

Jessica Manser

Thursday is Willem’s favorite day of the week! He and several others from their D & D game just chatted with each other on roll20 the other day— love the way this group has bonded. I’m amazed and grateful to know that making friends virtually during a pandemic is totally a thing.

Jennifer Robinson

"My daughter loves her class. This is huge - for years, I've been digging for her passion, her fire, and I think we just rubbed two sticks together and got some."

A Proud Dad

"I just glanced at Shaylem's essay and was really happy with what you all have helped facilitate for him. I really appreciate the feedback, all of your hard work, and the organization as a whole."

Liz Lawler

"Thank you all. One thing I have learned from Covid is what people and activities are really the most meaningful for my child and Writopia is top of the list. Thank you all for creating such an amazing supportive community!!!"


"I never thought I would say this, but i am soooooo happy that your classes are on Zoom so Robbie can continue to take your classes when we move!!! Thank you so much...I cannot express enough how wonderful Writopia has been for my son..."


"...thanks so much for granting Amira with her first sleepaway camp experience last summer at WriCampia. Amira had an amazing time and wants to attend again this summer... She still talks about her experience at WriCampia to date and keeps in touch with the friends she met. I myself really enjoyed viewing all of the photos, her short story video and fun memories captured! Thanks so much again!"

Tanisha, Writopia Parent (Winter 2019)

I absolutely recommend this class. Discussions and readings changed my thinking about how to teach writing... The classes were fun especially the writing games and exercises. I felt like a kid again.

NYC DOE educator's evaluation of Writopia Lab's Training Institute

Writopia was really beneficial for students who already see themselves as writers, as it gives them the creative outlet. But it is also great for reluctant writers; they flourish in this type of environment.

Teacher, PS 276 in New York City

"Writopia has been a blessing for my son. His amazing teacher has connected him to his creative spirit in a way that has never happened before. My 17-year-old son is now proud to call himself a poet and is excited about continuing to learn and write in College."

Denise, Writopia Parent (Fall 2012)

"Writopia Lab was an unexpected soaring flight and blossoming of our daughter. She found her voice, was excited every week and could not wait to share what she was writing. 'Please read my work, let me read you what I am writing...' This from a normally reticent 9-year-old. Absolutely amazing!"

Kim, Writopia parent (Fall 2012)

"Living in Europe, our experience with Writopia has been wonderful for Jakob, an American 6th grader, attending a full-time school in Spanish. His lessons via Skype are exciting and above all creative. He's loving it!"

Leslie Z.
mother of Jakob, 11

"The best thing about Language Play was watching the kids become active in storytelling, and involved in the creative process. No other comparable program offers practice using language, phonics, and creative language play."

Rebecca R., mother of Avner, three years old

"I was so impressed with how the children answered questions in a group setting... and how they were prompted to think creatively. They worked together and listened to each other's ideas. And the instructor really focused on the children's ideas as well."

Cecily C., mother of Lila, three years old

"Language Play is more focused on writing than any program I know of — and the group is more intimate."

Stephanie D., mother of Jack, three years old

"Rebecca has amazing lingual intuition – she knows how words feel and sound, and this enables her to work with all kinds of writing, from short stories to poems to essays... When she makes a suggestion, she is not offended if you don’t agree. She listens and considers your perspective as the writer. She can give general ideas and overall feedback as well as specific analysis, so that the writer is free to use her ideas but interpret them and write them their own way... Rebecca is an awesome (for lack of a more specific word of praise) editor and writer, and an equally amazing person. The gift of working with her is a double bonus – her amazing skill as a writer and editor, and her warm, smiling, funny, happy, wonderful personality."

Noa Bendit-Shtull, 15, Bard College High School,
Scholastic National Gold Key Winner, 2006

"I am one of the ELA teachers that had the pleasure of having Writopia in my class this past semester. I am writing to tell you what a pleasure it was working with Milana and Sarah. Their enthusiasm, creativity, and patience created such a positive and creative work environment. My students (an I!) looked forward to every Tuesday with them. We are all going to miss them!"

Michelle Putnick, PS/MS 89 Teacher,
The Bronx, 2019

"Julio's attitude towards writing has changed so drastically. He’s become so much more confident and actually likes writing now. His teachers have noticed a huge improvement in his writing in school. I credit this to Writopia. I cannot thank Writopia enough! Truly an amazing program. Thank you. "

Lisa, Writopia mom,
NYC, 2019

"Writopia is the #1 writing program in the city."

Alex Tapnio
Senior Manager, National Programs, Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

“For a glimpse into the fiercely creative and tremendously talented new generation of writers, check out the Writopia Worldwide Plays Festival. The teaching artists of Writopia Lab know how to get the best of their young playwrights. I’m not kidding.”

Terry Berliner, resident director of Broadway’s “The Lion King”
2011 and 2012 Worldwide Plays Festival Director

“Writing used to be a solitary activity; shutting the door of my room and drinking iced tea while frantically punching the keys of my typewriter, shooing away anyone who deigned to disturb me. But now I am beginning to believe that writing is best done in a community, surrounded by fellow wordsmiths who can comment on your pieces, provide inspiration, gently offer suggestions, and encourage you to forge ahead regardless of how flawed you perceive your own work to be. In my first two weeks at Writopia Lab, I have already gained more tools and produced more complete work than I have in the years I spent struggling alone.”

Emma Koosis, 15, Writopia Lab

“Teaching at Writopia, I am constantly amazed by the bravery and creativity of the young writers in my classes who are equally bursting with things to say. It is so, so important for these kids to have a fun and safe environment to tackle the daunting and spectacularly rewarding feat that is writing. Most importantly, it's an atmosphere of mutual respect—students aren't talked down to, but instead learn how to talk to each other about their work, in turn becoming better writers themselves.”

Bekah Brunstetter, Writopia Lab instructor and two-time New York Innovative Theatre Award-winning playwright of Off-Broadway’s “Oohrah!”

"I came to Writopia without ever having been in a writing class outside of my school. I was scared that I would not be as good as the other members, but as soon as I stepped in I felt right at home. For the first time I was excited and passionate about my writing. Every week I was eager to learn from my friends and writing instructor how to improve my work. In the end I felt that it all paid off. Writopia gave me a chance to think about hard and personal subjects in a different way, and also gave me the chance to express myself in a free manner."

Gabe Fisher, 8th Grade Scholastic Regional Gold Key Winner

"One of the many incredible things about Writopia Lab is that it offers an alternative social universe for quiet and cerebral kids. Its vibe is serious yet edgy, inclusive yet cool. [...] And, quiet or not, most of the Writopia kids read their work aloud at local bookstore events, and a staggering number win prestigious national writing competitions.”

Susan Cain, from her New York Times Bestseller, Quiet

"My daughter loved learning to write with Writopia teachers...They inspired her to write award-winning fiction. Long after working with them, my daughter continues to write with great enthusiasm."

Ora Shtull